This Pulitzer prize (2006) winning photograph shows two students of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Madras in one of the classes. The expression of helplessness on one student's face and the yawn on the other's shocked the entire world and humanity.
This is another Pulitzer Prize winning photograph that shows one student of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Madras collapse to a natural state of sleep in his classroom. The expression on the student's face and his desire to hug something (the back rest) portraying his inner suppressed desires, shocked the world.
ROTFL max!
Hilarious.. :)
Now you ARE getting back I syay!
Trip max!!
Level Pics :D
Crack only!! LOL Max. The pics caught at the right moment! :)
Paapi the poor dear! What inspired photography, I say! Brilliant!
The attack of the picture-snapper!
hahaha.... thats samma pic mappila. I think it was after one of those exams in the 4th sem... but samma da- Mohan
priceless...these two pics are testimony of what we have gone thru @mech iitm
more i say! more!
LOL !!
hee hee!
SEXY dude
Paapi's expression is priceless! :D
"Utter helplessness and WTF am I doing here?"!!
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