
Of puns

The South African cartoonist Zapiro apparently depicted a recent cartoon showing "George Bush's response to the Bird Flu - Bombing Turkey and the Canary Isles" :-)

And my sister's Social Board exam is coming up. In frustration she says "This is the most exasperating chapter I've ever read in history". Indeed.


Czar said...

So bored ?

Anonymous said...

I find it very apt that (co)incidentally, neither place is in any way related to the bird in its name.

The turkey is a bird native to North America, mistakenly having got the name "turkey" because it was thought identical to the guinea fowl, itself an African bird mistakenly called the "Turkey cock". (And most languages seem to call the bird something after India, indeed the Turkish word for the turkey is "hindi"!) [Here, summary.]

And the Canary islands, of course, are named after dogs (Latin canis, "canine", etc.), not birds :)

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure this is related to what anon said, but Turkey towels are actually Indian.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the date of the Zapiro cartoon?